The members of the Laboratory for Solid State Physics have a strong commitment to teaching at all levels.

Please find below short summeries of the undergratuate courses offered by the Laboratory for Solid State Physics. A more detailed description is given here.
For a full list of courses taught by LFKP members in the current semester, including graduate courses, please visit this page.
Moreover, members of the institute are involved in a broad range of further education activities. For an overview, please see this page.
The Physics Bachelor programme encompasses an introductory course dedicated to Solid State Physics, "Einführung in die Festkörperphysik" (4V+2U), for which students are credited 12 ECTS points and which is mandatory for later entering a Physics Master focussed on Solid State Physics. The lecture is held during the autumn semester in the third year of the Bachelor curriculum and presents the central elements of the structure and thermal properties of solids, electronic properties, metals, semiconductors, magnetism and superconductivity.
The practical project in one of the research groups of the Laboratory, needed to fulfill the Bachelor requirements, is independent on this lecture and can be performed at any time during the third year and on any subject covered by the Laboratory (for an overview, please visit this page).
The Master lectures within the Solid State Physics curriculum cover the entire spectrum of experimental research in Solid State Physics at ETH. There is (so far) one obligatory lecture, "Advanced Solid State Physics" (3V+2U), held during the HS in the first year of Master. It is accredited with 10 ECTS points. This lecture is mandatory for any students pursuing a Solid State Physics education with the Physics Master curriculum and treat in depth subjects including magnetism, superconductivity and quantum phenomena in the Solid State.
Simultaneously to this lecture and/or in the following semesters, Master students are required to enlist for an advanced practical project in one of the research groups, which can serve (but not necessarily) as an introduction to the Master work in Solid State Physics. In the Master year, the Laboratory of Solid State Physics offers advanced specialized courses (typically 2V+1U, 6 ECTS points).
Students interested in semester or/and Master projects should please contact the lecturers in their courses or the heads of the research groups they are most intersted in. For an overview of the research activities at LFKP, please visit these pages and follow the links to the individual group websites.
A semester work extends typically over there weeks and includes writing of a report on the work performed and the results achieved. A Master project extends over 4 months and also requires submitting a Master thesis covering the results achieved. The professors will assign a supervisor within their research group to the student who will provide day-to-day supervision and gives all necessary support, including dicsussing previous reports and theses that can serve as examples.